Article: Green Coffee Beans and their Processing Methods

Green Coffee Beans and their Processing Methods
Do you like drinking coffee? Are you aware of the health benefits that are associated with drinking this healthy beverage? Probably yes. Coffee is amongst the most widely consumed beverages all over the world.
Apart from being delicious, it is known for offering plenty of health benefits such as boosting mood, increasing energy levels, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and much more. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about green coffee beans. So stay tuned and continue reading this article until the end.
What are Green Coffee Beans?
Green coffee beans are simply coffee beans that aren't roasted and are entirely raw. These beans are mostly used as a dietary supplement; however, you can also purchase green coffee in whole-bean form and make a hot beverage just like roasted coffee.
During the roasting process, coffee beans are said to lose out many of their inherent qualities. As a result, you get a coffee bean that lacks nutrients and antioxidants. That's why unroasted coffee beans have gained significant importance in the recent past.
These unroasted coffee beans are green in color and are rich in naturally occurring antioxidants. These beans unroasted beans offer plenty of health benefits such as combatting cholesterol, improving blood circulation, managing glucose levels, and aiding in weight loss.
Coffee Processing Methods
Two different methods are employed to process the coffee at the coffee production sites. These methods are:
Dry processing
Wet processing
The dry processing produces dried cherry coffee, while the wet processing produces parchment coffee. Dry processing is mainly used for robusta coffee beans, while the wet processing method is employed for Arabica and ends up producing a mild coffee.
Dry processing is straightforward and is less in demand concerning harvesting because all berries are dried immediately after the harvesting process. On the flip side, wet processing demands careful control during the harvesting because pulping machines cannot handle unripe berries partially dried in the tree.
Green Coffee Processing
Following the harvesting process, green coffee is prepared from the berries of the coffee tree through a relatively complex process. This process is carried out within the producing countries. The problem is to take the coffee seeds out of the berry by removing the covering layers most productively. The objective is to provide marketable green coffee beans with less than 12-13 percent moisture content.
Green coffee, if processed through the dry processing method, is known as natural, while the one processed through the wet processing method is known as washed coffee. Furthermore, certain cleaning or polishing processes may also be applied along with various grading and sorting techniques to provide a finished product that is best for exporting.
Final Words
Green coffee is the raw beans of the coffee plant. Its extract has gained significant popularity as a weight loss supplement and promotes healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels. We recommend you adding this delicious beverage to your daily routine to leverage its unique health benefits.